On the one hand, you could get on a bus naked and no-one would know what to do. They would most likely sit politely, without saying anything or even looking. On the other hand, often at the most surprising of times, uncouth screaming, shouting, hitting – yes, hitting – occurs. I was recently hit on the head by a woman on the bus who refused to move her bags so that I could sit down. After waiting for over a minute for her to finish her staring match with the woman opposite, also using a spare seat for her tired shopping bags, I went to move them for her in order to speed up the process of me sitting down. After a loud tut, she looked at me like I was crazy and hit me on the head before storming off (thus leaving me with two seats).
Anyway, enough preamble, enjoy the following international displays of fighting!

(This one is from San Francisco)

(This one is from New York)

Nice selection! Though I've heard that the sharks fin one is a satire...
Hi downradio...
Not sure if it's satire, there is another one that I found that is clearly satire, I think the one I posted is the one that really happened!
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