Ok, so usually, my blog is filled with quirky observations, documentation of weird happenings, or my little shrine-like collections. But I can be serious too – after all, I run my own organic creative services company.
It's Social Media Week again ([at]SMWHK #SMWHK), which means running all over the city to get to as many events as possible, learning, debating, listening and sharing all kinds of ideas and information about tons of topics that relate back to social media.
I've already had a piece in SCMP in advance of the event, promoting events like Blogging 101 and blogging for fashion lovers. You'll find it on my company Facebook page, here.
In fact, I'm also organising an event on Friday, February 17th 2012 under the PitchYrCulture banner, with many, many thanks to Andrew. (There's also an official Pitch Yr Culture blog and Facebook page).
On top of that, I'm an official contributing blogger for SMW. You'll find my profile on the main SMWHK site, where they'll also re-post my blogs.
In the meantime, help to re-post my blog entries until Twitter can't handle capacity (which it already seems to be struggling with and it's only day two of SMW).
Blog entries:
- Future of Television – [at] SMWHK #SMWHK #SMWHKtv
- Social media and emerging fashion designers – [at] SMWHK #SMWHKdesign [at]shopdcreateurs
- PitchYrCulture Social media and the search for music –[at]SMWHK #SMWHKPYC
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